Retaking your A-Levels is often referred to as ‘resits’, this is when a student who took their A-Levels originally either didn’t get the results they wanted or didn’t achieve the grades they needed to get their university place.
Resits can sometimes feel and seem like a daunting prospect to students. And this is totally understandable, you have spent the last 2 years studying and building up to getting your results, only to have to face the prospect of doing resits. But with online learning it doesn’t need to be as bad as you think.
Do I have to take 2 Years to Resit my A-Levels?
As doing resits is just a case of attempting your examinations again, you won’t have nearly as much information to have to take on board and learn fresh. You just need to adjust your learning style and technique to ensure you cover the aspects you struggled with when in the exams.
Keeping the above in mind, it’s very possible for students to fast track their A-Level resits and do them in a year or less. Meaning you can get on with your learning journey faster.
Where do I Resit my A-Levels?
When it comes to retaking your A-Levels, you have two options. You can either return to your school or college and take your subjects again there. Or you can opt to study them online instead. Online studying of A-Levels is perfect for people looking to resit their A-Levels, it’s flexible, fast and you can decide as and when you want to take your exams again. If you feel confident and ready to resit your exams in the following examination period, then as a distance learning student, you can do just that! All you have to do is find your exam centre and register as a private candidate.
Often with resits, if your A-Level course had any form of practicals or coursework, you won’t even have to redo that part. You can use the same work you had previously and focus entirely on the written examinations. Of course, if it was the practical element or coursework element of the exams that let you down, then redoing them in your resits is going to be vital.
With Open College, we offer students the chance to enrol onto A-Level courses right away, you can cover the materials in either a year or two, depending on what you feel comfortable with and best of all, you can start studying right away!
Ready to Retake your A-Levels?
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