GCSE Past Papers are question papers that awarding bodies for GCSEs release from previous years to help and assist students. The papers allow for students to practice their answering technique in preparation for examination. They are also an effective way for students to revise their knowledge of their course and also gain a clear idea of their potential grade.
If you’re a student at a traditional school or college, your teachers will frequently set you GCSE past papers as part of your learning. This allows for them to assess your progress and also determine what they feel your likely grade will be. If you’re a Private Candidate (independent) student, then it is still possible for you to get hold of past papers. Rather than getting the papers from your teacher or tutor, you can download them directly from your awarding body. And even without having teaching experience, you can use the mark scheme to assess how you did.
Is using GCSE Past Papers Cheating?
Students often think that the use of past papers as part of your learning can be classed as cheating. This isn’t the case at all, as the papers you are practicing on are released by the awarding bodies. This means that they are not intending to use those exam papers for the upcoming examination period.
A better view to take on using past papers is the additional revision chance they provide to you. You can opt to sit them under timed conditions, as you would have to in a real exam. Or just work through them at your own pace perfecting your answering technique. Remember, small extra additions to your answers and answering techniques can make a difference between getting an OK grade and getting a great grade.
Where can I get GCSE Past Papers?
As mentioned earlier, you can usually download the papers from the awarding body directly. This is usually the best option, as then you know you are getting the right papers and the right marking schemes to go with them. By doing a quick Google search, you can find the relevant website and section to get your past papers ready for practicing on.
We recommend you try and sit the papers under exam conditions. So find somewhere quiet, set a timer and then get on with the paper as if it was a real exam. This way, you will get a good feel for how you manage and your knowledge on the subject. Once completed, then you just need to compare your answers to the marking scheme to see where you could have got more points.
What GCSEs can I get Past Papers for?
When it comes to which subjects you can get past papers for, the answer really is simple. All of them. Some subjects which have additional elements like languages, may prove tricky to get hold of the oral tests. But for the written examinations, it’s simple. With a quick search, we found past papers for the following subjects:
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