You have made the decision you’re going to university, so the next step is deciding which A-Levels to study. Now you would have thought this would be a really straightforward thing to decide. But many students find this much harder than you think. The range of courses available is vast and then the options on how you study them is huge too.
In this blog, we’re going to look at how to pick your subjects, the ways you can study A-Levels and the different combinations of subjects that work well for certain degrees.
How to Pick Your A-Levels
When picking which A-Levels to study, you have to be careful to not create a skillset of qualifications that pigeon holes you for the rest of your life. So for instance, picking a degree in Ethical Hacking would leave you with not a lot of options if a career in this doesn’t pan out for you. And if the career doesn’t pan out, you might find yourself back at square one selecting and studying new A-Levels to get you onto a new degree.
So, where is the first place to start when picking which A-Levels to study? Well the first and most obvious place is the internet, you can do a quick Google search for degrees and entry requirements, or you can head straight to UCAS and get all the information you need from there.
Examples of A-Level Combinations
Some examples of good A-Level combinations for degrees are as follows:
Science/Medical based degree – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics or Psychology, Further Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Arts based degree – History, Classical Civilisation and Sociology or English Literature, Art and Ancient History.
As you can see from above, there are many combinations you can put together for a range of degrees. The best bit is a lot of A-Levels are exchangeable, so as an example, Biology can be substituted with Psychology if you don’t fancy doing all that lab work and those pesky practicals.
A-Level Studying Options
So now you know the types of subjects to combine. The next question is how do you want to study them. With the increased popularity of online learning, doing your A-Levels at school or college is no longer the only option. With the exception of very few subjects (such as Art or Drama), students have the option to enrol and study their subjects entirely online if they prefer.
The key to successfully learning online is making sure you select a good learning provider that is a good fit for you. Whether you are an independent learner type or you need lots of help and encouragement, it’s important to find the right course.
With the above said, there are some students who simply need a classroom environment for them to succeed. So for those, it’s best to find a local school or college that offer the subjects you want to learn and enrol there.
Ready to Start Your A-Levels?
Online A-Level Medicine Bundle
£1,400.00 Select options -
Online A-Level Uni Bundle
£1,100.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Biology
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Business
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Chemistry
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Environmental Science
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Law
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Mathematics
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Philosophy
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Physics
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Politics
£415.00 Select options -
Online AQA A-Level Psychology
£415.00 Select options