GCSE Mathematics

GCSE Mathematics and why you need it

GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) may not seem like an important factor or aspect of your overall educational journey to most, but the truth is that without them, especially two of the core subjects (English and Mathematics), you aren’t going to get very far in life. GCSE Mathematics is a vital qualification to hold. Even if you have gone on to study at a higher level in areas such as the arts or social sciences, the requirements for you to be accepted onto a degree course will more than always likely require that you hold GCSE Maths and English. Employers looking for new employees will always check CVs to… Read More

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pros and cons

The Pros and Cons of Online Learning

Although not a new invention, online learning can be a bit of an unknown factor to a lot of people and so we thought we would weigh up the pros and cons of online learning to give a more balanced view and insight into the topic. If you are reading this blog, it’s safe to say that you are probably looking into the idea of doing some online learning and have been googling for advice. There is no doubt that you have found an unbelievable range and selection of online courses that you can enrol onto and start studying right away and even less doubt that the prices you have… Read More

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How do I Enrol with Open College?

If you haven’t studied for a while or you are new to studying online you may be asking yourself ‘how do I enrol?’ Sometimes the online world can be quite daunting or confusing, especially when it concerns something as important as your education and future. Usually, the enrolment process for any online college is straightforward and simple. At Open College we have tried to make the enrolment process take no more than 10 minutes for any of our students, the world is busy and confusing enough without making progressing your learning harder! So first things first, you need to select the course you would like to study, Open College have… Read More

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Real qualifications

Can you get real Qualifications Studying Online?

One question you might ask yourself when thinking of studying online is can you really get real qualifications by studying online. It all just seems too simple and easy, enrol online, study a course as and when you want and viola! you have qualification that others have had to study for years for. Too good to be true surely! Actually, that’s not the case at all, yes, there are some courses online that don’t provide you with any form of qualification or recognised qualification, but there are courses online that do offer you just that! A real qualification that you can then use to either further you educational journey or… Read More

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International A-Levels

Benefits of International A-Levels

So, what are the benefits of International A-Levels? You may be thinking an A-Level is an A-Level right? And that it seems a bit of a moot point to even write a blog about this, but actually there are some quite important differences. A-Levels come in many shapes and forms, from many awarding bodies including AQA, Cambridge International, Pearson Edexcel and OCR. While some can be sat internationally, others can’t. For example, when it comes to OCR, their examinations can only be sat in the UK. You can study the course syllabus, but to sit the exams, you would have to fly to the UK. But then, when you look… Read More

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Employability Skills

What are Employability Skills?

Employability Skills might not be a phrase you have heard before, but it is currently a very important factor for all people looking to either begin working, change career or return to working after a break. The term applies to the skills that you hold and have noted on your CV that make you more appealing to a potential employer. It’s not just qualifications that employers look for in their new employees anymore, they want to see that you are a well rounded individual who is motivated and prepared to learn new skills as and when needed. So this means holding skills such as communication and time management, rather than… Read More

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Right Time to Study

When is the Right Time to Study?

As an adult, one of the questions you might find yourself asking is ‘when is the right time to study?’, whether you didn’t make the most of your time at school or you just followed the wrong career path, at some point you are going to start thinking about your options and future. The annoying truth is, there really isn’t any right time to study for anyone. When you’re a kid at school it’s not the right time because you’re desperate to do anything but study, you want to learn about the world, have adventures with your friends and probably sleep! As an adult, you are too bogged down with… Read More

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GCSE or A-Level Retakes

GCSE or A-Level Retakes at any Age

GCSE or A-level retakes can be daunting at any age, whether you have just attempted your qualifications for the first time and flunked, or you left school years ago and you need to try again, the thought of a GCSE or A-Level retake can send people into a spiral of panic! But it doesn’t need to be as scary as you might think. With the developments in online learning and the wide availability of online GCSE or A-Level courses, it’s now easier than ever to successfully achieve GCSE or A-Level retakes without having to go back to school or even a classroom if you don’t want to. The first thing… Read More

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UCAS application deadline

UCAS Application Deadlines

Students looking to go to university in 2021 need to make sure they keep a close eye on the UCAS application deadlines, you don’t want all your hardwork and efforts with your examinations to go to waste! Contrary to popular belief, there are actually two UCAS application deadlines and not just one. Those students who are looking to attend either Oxford or Cambridge, or study courses in medicine or dentistry have an earlier application deadline. If you’re looking to apply to university for one of these universities or courses, you need to get your UCAS application in for 15th October 2020. Students looking to study any other courses have until… Read More

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study with open college

Why Study with Open College?

So, why study with Open College and not another college? OK, if you have found this blog, then that means you’re a student (or parent of a student) who is looking for an online college to study courses with. We’re not going to pretend there aren’t lots of other online colleges out there that you can enrol with, or make wild claims about being the only college that can get you into a specific university, as that’s just not what we do or aim to do. Open College are exactly that, we’re open about everything. We tell you what we can offer, who we accept onto our courses and how… Read More

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