A-levels in One Year

Can I do my A-levels in One Year?

Whether your are looking at re-sitting your A-Levels or you need additional subjects, you may be wondering if you really have to spend the usual two years studying for your qualifications or if it is possible for your to gain your A-Levels in one year instead. One A-Level subject takes the average student approximately 350 hours of studying time to complete. Sounds a lot right? But actually, when you stop and think about it, 350 hours over one or two years isn’t actually that much study time each day at all! So can you study A-Levels in one year? The simple answer is yes! And believe it or not, that… Read More

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Are Revision Timetables Effective

Are Revision Timetables Effective?

When it comes to revision and preparing for examinations, it’s vital that you use all the resources you have to hand. Approaching your notes and various other revision resources won’t be at all useful if you do so in an unorganised way, you need to be focused and know what you’re revising and when. Whether you are revising for a GCSE or A-Level exam, using a revision timetable really can be effective and help you to keep on the right tracks. Rather than finding yourself reading through the same information over and over, you can use a revision timetable to ensure you cover all of the course syllabus and not… Read More

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How can I Improve my CV

How can I Improve my CV?

Your CV is like a snapshot of you on paper, it’s meant to show your skills, abilities and experience to someone who hasn’t met you yet. So it’s vital that you keep it up to date and relevant to your professional side. If you’re in the process of reviewing your CV, you may be asking yourself ‘how can I improve my CV?’, which is a great question to ask yourself. Whether you are looking to go to university or apply for a new job, you need to make sure your CV is the best it can be. First things first, does your current CV hold all your latest qualifications and… Read More

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What is CPD in Health Care

What is CPD in Health Care?

What is CPD in Health Care? When working in Health Care, there is a requirement for you to keep your skills constantly updated with CPD. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and applies to many training programmes and courses. Although CPD doesn’t necessarily need to be related to your profession, when working in Health Care it’s always a good option to choose courses that do. Health Care is one of those ever changing fields where the methods and applications of care are constantly changing and so it’s vital to keep up to date with these. Continuing Professional Development allows for people to regularly familiarise themselves with new guidelines and advice… Read More

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How to get an A* Grade at A-Level

How to get an A* Grade at A-Level

With exam season fast approaching, all students’ attention will be turning to revision and thoughts of what grades they are going to achieve. We have taken the time to check in with A* grade A-Level students to see what study tips and techniques they used to gain their A*. Gaining an A* grade at A-Level is no easy feat and definitely takes a lot of work and effort on the part of the student. But there are certain techniques that are common among all A* students that seem to make a winning formula to gain them those extra points needed. Techniques to use to get an A* Grade at A-Levels… Read More

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Why Study with Open College

Why Study with Open College?

Whether you’re looking to study A-Levels or Diplomas or GCSEs, you may be asking yourself ‘why study with Open College?’, it’s no secret there are thousands of colleges out there that offer online learning and there are thousands of courses available for studying. But when it comes to online learning, you often need more than just a cheap course to study. With Open College, we only offer the best and work with the best. All our teams are experts in their fields and want to help you get to where you want and need. We have Academic Experts for tutors, all our Student Services teams are constantly up to date… Read More

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What should I do to get a job?

What Should I do to get a Job?

With everything that is currently going on in the world, it’s not surprising if you are one of the many people who are currently looking for work or new employment. And if you have already experienced a few knock backs, you may find yourself asking ‘what should I do to get a job?’, although there is no set formula to finding work, there are some things you can do to improve your chances. First things first, it’s time to get critical. Take a look at the latest version of your CV that you are sending out to potential employers. Try if you can to look at it as an employer… Read More

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Are Qualifications Important

Are Qualifications Important?

Whether you’re a student still in school deciding whether to carry on with your education or an adult looking for a new career, one question you are likely to be asking is ‘are qualifications important?’. The quick and simple answer to this is yes, but why are they important? Even if your aspirations for your career aren’t you becoming a lifesaving Doctor or high flying Lawyer, qualifications are still important. Although a qualification might just seem like a bit of paper, a qualification demonstrates to potential employers that you have a certain level of ability within a certain field. It also shows that you are committed and dedicated enough to… Read More

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Study in the UK

What do International Students need to Study in the UK?

It’s safe to say the UK has some of the best known universities in the world and so it’s no surprise that thousands of students from around the world apply to study in the UK. We’re looking at what International students need to hold in order to be able to study in the UK. With the arrival of Brexit, the number of places available on degree courses in the UK for International students has risen and so there has never been a better time to look at studying at a UK university. Along with the right qualifications to gain an offer from a university, you will also need to apply… Read More

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Difference Between a Degree and Diploma

What is the Difference Between a Degree and a Diploma?

Once you leave school and start looking at further or higher education, you are going to start seeing the options of Degrees and Diplomas being made available. But what is the difference between a Degree and a Diploma? First, let’s clarify what a Degree is. Degrees are an academic qualification and course that is studied and achieved at university, usually they are studied over several years ranging between 2 and 8 years in total. There are four main categories of Degrees, foundation, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral. Diplomas are courses and qualifications that are usually studied over just one year and tend to be more vocational or professional in nature. The… Read More

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