When it comes to revision and preparing for examinations, it’s vital that you use all the resources you have to hand. Approaching your notes and various other revision resources won’t be at all useful if you do so in an unorganised way, you need to be focused and know what you’re revising and when.
Whether you are revising for a GCSE or A-Level exam, using a revision timetable really can be effective and help you to keep on the right tracks. Rather than finding yourself reading through the same information over and over, you can use a revision timetable to ensure you cover all of the course syllabus and not just the parts you find easy or interesting.
With the use of a revision timetable, you can mix up your revising styles and keep things interesting. You will also find that with the use of a timetable, you can get more done and packed into your study time.
Most importantly, when using a timetable, you can ensure you are giving your mind enough time to actually absorb what you’re revising. More often than not, students make the mistake of trying to revise too much, they don’t allow for breaks and relaxation, which actually makes a lot of revision time very ineffective and pointless.
Why are Revision Timetables Effective?
- Using a timetable will keep you focused and organised with your revision.
- Keeping structured time blocks with regular breaks will allow you to absorb more information.
- Having a revision timetable will allow for you to cover more topics in the same amount of time.
- Using a timetable will allow you to use different revision techniques through the day to keep you motivated and focused.
- By using a revision timetable you can also ensure you are covering all of the topics you need to revise and not just focusing on the easy ones you prefer and already know.
- The use of a structured and well thought out revision timetable will keep you from getting stressed or feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to cover for your exam.