Hate your Job

Believe it or not, you’re not alone if your hate your job. No matter what the role is, how high up you are or where you work, chances are, there are going to be times when you hate the job you have.

There isn’t a person out there who hasn’t gone through challenging times when working a role, whether it’s the workload or the people or the position itself, there are going to be challenges and testing times. But when it goes from just a short period of hating the job to being a long term thing, then it might be time to start looking at changing your job.

How do I know if it’s time to Change Jobs?

If you have been feeling like you hate your job for quite some time now and things don’t seem to be improving, then it’s time to start considering your options. For most, the option of just quitting and waiting for something better to come along, really isn’t viable. So you have to make a plan that you can work with to get you out of the role.

First things first, you need to identify what it is about your current job you hate, is it the environment? The people you work with? Your boss? Try and work out the issue that really gives you the feeling of dread and see if there is anything you can do to change that. You may find that if it’s your workload you hate, then a chat with your Manager might be just what you need to get that eased up, or if you feel you aren’t skilled up enough on one aspect of your role, then an online Diploma may be just the fix to get you back to enjoying work.

If after looking more critically at your role, you decide it really isn’t something that can be fixed, then it’s time to consider a new job. In this current economic climate, the decision to change jobs isn’t an easy one to make. Depending on the sector you work within, it could be a case of you having to consider changing career paths if you want to change jobs sooner rather than later.

The best way to change jobs or even career sectors, is to look at the requirements of roles that are similar to those you are interested in and see what the job specifications for these roles are. Once you know what employers look for, then it’s just a case of ensuring you have the right GCSEs, A-Levels or Diplomas to get you that all important job interview from which you can shine and get the role.

If you would like some help and advice on changing jobs or careers, get in touch with our helpful team for a chat about what your options are.