Summer is one of those amazing times when you really do get a chance to do some soul searching and take a proper look at your life. Whether you are just about to head off to uni or you have finished your first year, you may find yourself questioning your degree choice.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone with this! For many students, there will come a time where they start to question their degree choice, it doesn’t mean you’ve got it wrong or you have started down a path you can’t change, it just means you might need to stop and take a closer look at things.
First, is it really the degree choice that you’re not happy with? Or are you juggling anxiety and worries? If you’re about to start your first year of uni and you’re going to be away from family and friends, it’s only natural that you might be a bit worried and unsure about your choice. But give it time and you’ll probably settle right in. If you have already done your first year, the same still applies, the thoughts of leaving home again at this uncertain time could be more upsetting that you know or realise.
If you’re sure it’s not just anxiety playing on your mind and it really is your degree choice, then you need to start looking at a way to change things. If you have finished the first year of your course, then you do have the option to change onto a different topic, speak with your uni and ask them what options you have open.
Depending on your new degree choice, you can either change straight over or you may have to study an additional A-Level to get onto the new course. For example, if you were doing a degree in History and wanted to change to Medicine, you would need more science based A-Levels to be accepted.
The same applies to if you have received your A-Level results and through summer you have been reconsidering if you want to be a dentist at all and would rather change your degree choice. This is perfectly doable and might not even need you to do extra A-Levels, get in touch with UCAS and ask which other degree choices match your A-Levels and I’m sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the options available.