When considering taking a course as a distance learner, it’s important to take a moment or two and work out your learning style. Unlike when you’re at school or college, distance learning comes with the added benefit of you being able to tailor your learning according to your learning style.
Believe it or not, your learning style, doesn’t actually effect the type of courses you can study, even if you prefer all things visual and not a lot of text, you can still study courses such as GCSEs or A Levels and don’t have to stick with just Diplomas.
The key to successful studying is being able to identify how you best learn and then using that to make sure you select the right type of course for you. That way, rather than you fighting the studying every step of the way, you are loving the experience of expanding your knowledge.
What are the 7 main Learning Styles?
- Visual (spatial) – This type of learner is someone who responds better to pictures, images, and spatial understanding. You may find that when making notes, small sketches will help your learning more than traditional note taking.
- Aural (auditory-musical) – This learning style means that you prefer putting your learning into sounds. So rather than lots of text or images, you absorb and learn more when it’s in a form of narrative or put to music.
- Verbal (linguistic) – This type of learning prefers using words, both in speech and writing. So a large block of text to work through and comprehend won’t phase you in the least.
- Physical (kinesthetic) – When you’re this learner type, you prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. So if you can put things into practice instead of just reading them, they will stick better.
- Logical (mathematical) – This type of learner is more about the facts and figures. They prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social (interpersonal) – As a learner you prefer to be able to bounce you ideas and thoughts on subjects with others. So you might find having a study buddy a great way to learn more and get more out of your learning.
- Solitary (intrapersonal) – This learning style is very much along the lines of the ‘lone wolf’, you prefer to work alone and use self-study to get yourself through your studies and complete your learning.
What if my Learning Style isn’t Listed?
Of course, with humans being humans, there is a chance that you are a mix of a few types of learning style (and that is absolutely fine). The key with knowing your learning style is not to fit into a box or gain a label, it’s to help you better understand how and where you can give yourself the best possible chances of success with your studies.
Once you feel ready to begin your learning journey, feel free to get in touch with Open College to discuss your course options and get yourself on the road to success.