

Become an amazing nail technician by mastering two of the most popular nail treatments. This in-depth duo course will show you how to offer a standard, luxury, spa and mini manicure as well as how to apply, maintain and remove gel polish which is a nail system that lasts for up to 4 weeks without chipping, peeling or fading to delight your clients, friends or family.

Online Manicure and Gel Polish Course Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I study the course? Online.
Where can I study from? UK or Internationally.
Are there entry requirements? No.
What certificate do I get? Accredited Diploma.
What can I do with the qualification? Offer nail services to clients. Set up your own beauty nail service.
Are there exams? No.
When can I enrol? At any time.

More Information

This manicure and gel polish course is actually two courses combined into one. You will get to study two of the most popular nail treatments that salons offer and get the chance to master the techniques in full for your customers.

This course is accredited by

ABT Accreditation Radius Accreditation IPHM Accreditation Insync Accreditation

Online Manicure and Gel Polish Course Syllabus

This course will cover the following areas of study:

Course 1: Online Manicure Course
Manicure is the foundation nail skill and is required to progress onto nail extensions, nail art and all other forms of nail enhancements.
Within this course your will learn how to create beautiful spa manicures for strong and healthy nails and this makes it ideal for those wanting to pursue a career offering professional manicures and nail treatments to clients, as well as friends and family
This Manicure course is perfect for beginners or for existing therapists wanting to extend their skills and techniques.

Course 2: Online Gel Polish Course
Gel Polish is one of the most sought after nail treatments currently saturating the market. Used by brands like Shellac, Gelish, Artistic and over 200 others, this system is currently dominating the industry and is a great way to quickly start making money!