When people think about going to University, their first thought or consideration isn’t usually GCSEs. Everyone knows, the important qualifications to hold are A-Levels, right? Well actually, no. When considering applicants for University, Admission Teams also look at the GCSEs that the applicant holds. If you think about it, it makes sense, as usually, when you’re applying for a place at University, you are applying with predicted grades and not actual grades. So the best and quickest way for a University to tell if you have the potential to hit those predicted grades is your GCSE results.
Most Degree courses will come with the requirement for students to hold at least GCSE English and Mathematics. Usually as well, the grade requirement is 5 or above (in old fashioned terms, C or above). This applies to courses in all areas, even ones such as Art or Drama.
What if I don’t have GCSE English or Mathematics?
If you don’t hold GCSE English or Mathematics, or your grade for them isn’t high enough, then all is not lost, but you may need to retake them to get the needed grades. Not holding the right GCSEs isn’t a reason not to apply for your dream Degree, it just means you may need to be prepared to retake the subjects to get the right grades, before being accepted.
Retaking GCSEs is actually a very simple and easy task, you don’t even have to go back to school to do this. You can instead opt to study the subjects you need alongside your A-level studies. One GCSE is only 120 hours of study time, so fitting that in around your other commitments really isn’t a big ask.
What about the Examinations for the GCSEs?
As exams for GCSEs are held in and around the same time as A-levels, you can choose to sit your exams for your GCSEs in the same year as you do your A-Levels, so you won’t have to stagger your learning progress. Best of all, your results for both qualifications will be released to you in time for your UCAS application to be verified and honoured.
For booking in for the examinations, you can enquire with your chosen examination centre about the options of sitting both exams for your A-levels and GCSEs at the same place. Usually, this is entirely possible and will make your life easier as there will be no need for you to go to a different centre.
So in conclusion, GCSEs are important for University. They aren’t something that should be overlooked or ignored when you’re considering your Degree options and if you’re not happy with your grades for your GCSEs, then you do have the option to retake them and get better results easily.